October 19

Fitness After 50 for Energy, Vitality, and Longevity


If you feel like …
your trainer doesn't "get you"…
your doctor suggests exercise but doesn't give specific tips…
or your health care provide says it's just a part of menopause…
you don't want to accept weight gain is natural as you age…
you can't solve the puzzle of exercise, nutrition, and healthy habits like you could once…

I've got you covered. I've helped 144,000 women in the last four years get safe, sane, and simple solutions. Try the 5 Day Flip. (or the knee-friendly flip if you need that instead: )


active aging, at home exercise, baby boomer fitness, baby boomers, balance, bestselling fitness author, Debra Atkinson, exercise, fitness, fitness expert, flexibility, Flipping 50, Flipping 50 TV, hormone balancing, how to exercise, how to start exercise, how to strength train after 50, online fitness coach, senior exercise, strength, stretches, women's fitness

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