November 15

Women Over 40 Walking For Fitness #shorts


Walking for Fitness for Women Over 40 is just not enough ! The stimulus for muscle and bone has to be greater. Once midlife women hit menopause fitness needs change dramatically.

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Are you tired of settling for weight gain and fatigue just because you’re approaching or have already passed age 50? You can still get in the best shape of your life, no matter your age!

Debra Atkinson – a 39-year fitness veteran and international fitness presenter, Master trainer to personal trainers, and a former (15-year) University Senior Lecturer in Kinesiology – created this channel to share weekly videos for women to help with hormonal changes in menopause, pro aging nutrition, and strength training for women over 50.

Debra is the bestselling author of Hot, Not Bothered; You Still Got It, Girl! The After 50 Fitness Formula For Women, and Navigating Fitness After 50: Your GPS For Choosing Programs and Professionals You Can Trust, and host of the Flipping 50 podcast and Flipping 50 TV. She is a frequent blogger for Huffington Post and an expert contributor on ShareCare.

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bone density exercises, bone loss after menopause, Debra Atkinson, exercise mistakes, Flipping 50, loss of estrogen, menopause fitness, midlife women, midlife womens coach, muscle loss after menopause, preventing osteoporosis, strength training for women over 40, strength training for women over 50, strength training importance, walking for exercise, walking for fitness over 50, Walking is not enou, women over 40, women over 50

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