July 5

Should you GIVE UP SUGAR?


You can give up anything you want, as long as you actually like your reasons. (But also? You don't HAVE TO give up anything!) Lose weight eating what you want with The 5-0 Method:


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  • I have had to mostly give up sugar. As soon as I have any, I need more more MORE! So I agree in general, if you aren’t a sugar addict and can control yourself, you don’t have to give it up completely. This has been a lifelong addiction for me. If I have candy in the house, I can’t stop myself from going back to get more until it’s all gone. It’s sad for me, but at my age time to grow up! 😂

  • I greatly reduced my sugar intake & stopped eating most pre packaged, highly processed foods. I’m 54, have lost 50 Lbs & owe much thanks to Pahla B! I feel the so much better which is sweet sugar itself. Lol👏👏💕💕😊

  • “When you actually want. . .” Cause that hit me like a ton of bricks. TY, needed to hear this today!

  • I’ve switched over to monkfruit & stevia but I’ve been doing that for a long time now… years. I don’t want diabetes. I’ve found ways to modify dessert recipes too. My favorite recipe is a blonde brownie made with chick peas (instead of flour) and peanut butter. I use a low calorie monkfruit “maple syrup” sweetener. I have found a way to have my cake & eat it too 😅

  • This kind of advice is SO helpful yet so underrated! Thank you for a great message in such a concise and kind video. 😊

  • I thought I can give up sugar and simple carbs but i reality I found out that I was able to reduce them.
    In sugar I omit it in coffee and teas and in things in like donuts I eat half of a donut, bread, its low carb, pasta, its custer cup size and chilled to get resistance starch and pizza, I go for thin crust – 2 slices.. My cravings this way is a lot tamer for me and Im losing weight!. 😊💛🌻

  • THIS. It has taken me years to suddenly find out that coffee tastes just the same without sugar as with it! I cut down to a half flat tspn in 1 cup a day, that took me about a year! I’ve just started with decaffeinated coffee, and find that it also tastes fine without sugar. (Sweeteners only made my sugar addiction worse).

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