April 1

Maintain Muscle and Strength Beyond 50


Start here: to Maintain muscle and strength beyond 50 is to age well. Muscle is the difference between your frailty or your independence. Whether you choose HRT or not, the lifestyle habits we now know improve the healthspan you'll have are readily available.
The exercises, sequence, adjustments, rest between sets and sessions, are all an important and often overlooked component of workouts.

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Are you tired of settling for weight gain and fatigue just because you’re approaching or have already passed age 50?
You can still get in the best shape of your life, no matter your age! Debra Atkinson – a 40-year fitness veteran and international fitness presenter, Master trainer to personal trainers, and a former (15-year) University Senior Lecturer in Kinesiology – created this channel to share weekly videos for women to help with hormonal changes in menopause, pro aging nutrition, and strength training for women over 50. Debra is the bestselling author of Hot, Not Bothered; You Still Got It, Girl! The After 50 Fitness Formula For Women, and Navigating Fitness After 50: Your GPS For Choosing Programs and Professionals You Can Trust, and host of the Flipping 50 podcast and Flipping 50 TV. She is a frequent blogger for Huffington Post and an expert contributor on ShareCare.
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at home strength training for women over 50, build muscle at home, building muscle after 50, Debra Atkinson, Flipping 50, how to build muscle, how to build muscle and lose fat at the same time, how to build muscle and strength after 50, longevity, longevity muscle, maintain muscle and strength beyond 50, maintaining muscle, maintaining strength, over 50 and fabulous, over 50 women, strength after 50, strength beyond 50, women over 50 weight training

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  • your description of bio-identical hormones is skewed. The bio-identical hormones are yes, made in a lab and therefore are synthetic. The equine estrogens are not synthetic, they derive from animal sources, and therefore, do not match a woman’s biology (non-bio-identical). That being said, there are benefits with the non-bioidentical estrogens that are from natural sources. For instance, the equine estrogens in some studies were superior to synthetic estradiol when it comes to the brain (dementia & alzheimers). I am a person that took the synthetic bio-identical estradiol patch and gels for many years and eventually could not tolerate them so I now take the oldest estrogen on the market, good old CEE from horses, NON-SYNTHETIC derived from natural sources….Not all of us can tolerate the synthetic bio-identicals.

    • Bio identical hormones are not regulated, as in available on the NHS here in the UK. There must be a reason for this. I stick to the NHS approach is evidence based, mostly, each to their own. Whatever works for the individual. So many health care approaches across the globe it’s confusing

    • Yes, agree will stick to tried and tested 👍 there are enough things that can go wrong with our bodies .😢

    • Synthetic now derive from plant sources. Horses was the past just saying in case there are any vegetarians reading this

    • @@manymoms920yes many people are against the horse estrogen because it was harvested inhumanly for decades. They have changed their practices for the better treatment of horses now

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