June 6



If you want to lose weight, you’ll need to change some of your daily HABITS.

And if you’ve ever tried to change your habits, you know how hard it can be. So your best bet is to use the Two-Step Tool, a mindset technique I’ve written about in my new book, “Mind Over Menopause.”

Preorder your copy here:

In the book, I spell out in great detail exactly how to change your habits with the Two-Step Tool, where Step One is to find your thoughts and Step Two is to decide if they’re helpful.

Last week’s video was all about Step One, you can watch it here:

Today we’re chatting about Step Two, where we decide if your thoughts are helpful, by relying on a completely foolproof mechanism: your FEELINGS.

Coming up next week, I have an exciting announcement about how we can celebrate the publication of Mind Over Menopause together in a way that’s going to help YOU lose weight, love your body and embrace life after 50 with a powerful new mindset – see you then!


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  • I am 64 y.o. – approximately 50 lbs. overweight – mostly stomach . . . . . . my brain is one that tells me “if you don’t eat it now – you may never get it again” !!! I know this is ridiculous and totally makes no sense but it has been a very very difficult habit to try and retrain this particular thought pattern . . . . . .I had a total Hyster. 23 years ago and have been gaining weight consistently over the past 10 years . . . . does this book work for me also? Thank you so much for. . . especially for the shorter videos that focus on one topic – much easier for me to retain !!!!!

  • Hey hey I’m turning 49 this year. Thank you ! I lost 9 pounds thanks to your advise, positive mindset et doing your 20 minutes moderate workouts almost every day…. but….. it took me 6 months and first results were very slow. So the key skill seems to be perseverance 😊 Good luck to all 🍀❤

  • No, I wouldn’t call it suppress, but ‘regulate’. How else do you think we would learn to know them?
    Those body feelings by the way are called ‘affect’. They are the raw material for your emotions. And a baby doesn’t really have emotions, but they do have ‘affect’. By the time children learn words, they also can feel emotions. And it’s mostly the other way around: feelings create thoughts, although thoughts can also create feelings. BTW all are thoughts are predictions of our brain. You do not consciously control them.

  • We haven’t regretted taking early retirement at 57! We take care of ourselves now. 😊 I haven’t mastered asking my husband to not buy snack foods though.

    • Here’s a tip – have seperate cupboard and/or fridge shelves. Or even separate whole cupboards and fridges! I had the same issue. It really helps for both of you to acknowledge “that’s your stuff, over there”.

  • WOW!!! Powerful message.
    Definitely something to be mindful about as we go about our daily routines throughout the day.
    I love changing old habits into new healthier routines and you have given me “food for thought”…no pun intended!😅

  • I highly recommend hypnotism to control bad eating habits. There’s plenty of free hypnosis sessions on the internet. Use it alongside everything else you’re doing to reduce or maintain weight.

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