September 12

Day 2 LOWER BODY Strength Training for Women | Stronger Legs and Glutes


Strength training is one of the most important things you can do to reverse the aging process, get strong and remain mobile. If you do strength training a minimum of twice a week, you'll build bone and muscle strength, create definition in the body, prevent falls and be able to get up and off the floor. Today is DAY 2 and we'll focus on lower body strength training exercises and building stronger legs and glutes. As women, staying strong is a necessity to aging gracefully.

In today's workout, we will go through 3 sets for each exercise. If you are brand new, start with 1 set, and build up over a few weeks to more sets. The last thing you want is to be so sore that you can't continue. Always start slowly. In 2-3 weeks, you can build up to doing 3 sets.

You can do this program for many weeks and even months. As the exercises start to become easy, start using a heavier weight. You might not be able to do 12 reps, and that's okay. Just do as many as you can (which might be 8-11 reps) until you can do more. You can also add on more sets if you wish (up to 4 or 5 even).

If you're used to working out with 'Improved Health', this is considered an intermediate level workout.

If you enjoyed the workout, please hit the like button (thumbs up) and write a comment!

Thank you so much for all of your support. Wishing you improved health,

00:00 Intro
00:22 Warm-up
03:15 Set 1 Squat, Deadlift, Calf Raise
06:44 Set 2 Squat, Deadlift, Calf Raise
10:10 Set 3 Squat, Deadlift, Calf Raise
13:35 Set 1 Leg Raises, Glute Bridge
16:19 Set 2 Leg Raises, Glute Bridge
18:49 Set 3 Leg Raises, Glute Bridge
22:55 Set 1 Lunges
25:25 Set 2 Lunges
27:40 Set 3 Lunges
29:53 Core Work
31:45 Stretching and Explanation
36:30 Ending Words

#strengthtraining #improvedhealth #lowerbodytraining


Links to intermediate all-in-one workouts:
#5: (cardio kickboxing)
#6: (1950's theme)

If you wish to donate to help support the channel, you can donate here:
Paypal: PayPal.Me/JulesImprovedHealth

Disclaimer: You should always consult your physician before starting any 'Improved Health' fitness program or any other fitness program. You should understand when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge 'Improved Health' from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of participating in these exercise videos.


dumbbell workout, improved health, improved health for seniors, Lower Body Strength, lower body workout, strength exercises for women, strength training, strength training for women, strength training for women over 40, strength training women, strength workout, strength workout for women, strong legs for women, stronger legs and glutes, weight training, weight training for women

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  • again cant wait to get home to try this. Just had a nosey and it looks amazing. Im going add my leg weights for the leg lifts etc…its a killer with them on lol

  • Morning Jules great work out i can certainly feel it in my top of my legs i did the lunges with a chair but managed to do them on the repeat Lunges I couldn’t do those songs well so i did knee riser in stead hope that’s ok thank you 💞 xx

  • Good morning Jules 🌄☕🌄 That was an absolutely awesome workout. I was actually laughing at the end when we were on the floor stretching. You hopped right us and started the hamstring stretch. I was a little wobbly getting up so I started laughing. 😂 (My ability to hop right up from the floor…those days are so far over for me)
    I hope you have an amazing day and fabulous week ahead. 🌈☕🌈

  • Again another great combo! I did first the Dance then the strength, Boymy legs could really feel those lunges and the reverse lunges were super great. Thank you Jules again and again, love your workouts!

  • This is another great workout. Loved the explanations and length. Will continue to do these 2 strength workouts. Thank you so much❤

  • Whew…made it through day two and sure to add this in to routine as you have suggested. I am thinking just two day a week , one for upper and one for lower with cardio the other days. Is that a good routine ?

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