Site icon Ben & Jess | Rekol Group Wellness Team

Let’s get REAL

When I was a kid, whatever was on my mind was coming out of my mouth. I had opinions about our neighbors, my friends, my teachers and other adults that my parents worked with. You can imagine how horrified my parents were.

Thankfully, over the years, I’ve gotten a lot better about being polite and keeping most of my opinions to myself. And this is very helpful for getting along in the world.

But it also has an unfortunate side effect when we’re trying to make changes in our life, like losing weight.

In this quick video, I explain how your filter might be working against your weight loss, and share a sneak peek of my book, “Mind Over Menopause.” Preorder your copy here:

I get REAL about everything I was thinking about my weight and my body on my way to finding a healthy weight I can sustain and a deep love for my menopausal body.

In next week’s video, I’ve got more practical weight loss mindset tips and inside glimpses of my book – see you then!

Learn more about weight loss life coaching with Pahla B:

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