March 29

NEVER gain the weight back again


The trick to never gaining weight back? Make peace with your body! When you have peaceful thoughts about your body and weight, maintaining it will become one of the easiest things you do.


menopause, menopause workouts, over 50 fitness, Pahla B, Pahla Bowers, perimenopause, perimenopause workouts, women over 50, workouts for women over 50

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  • Making peace with my body has been challenging for well…. Since I was 9. We hear negative things from others & sometimes absorb those ideas as our own.

  • Oh I lost my main train of thought which is, I’m looking at the 5-0 plan as my new “way of life” basically.

  • I love your videos and have been doing them for 2 years now. My husband asks me every day if I have done my Pahla B!!! I hope you never take them off You Tube, but if you did I would so buy a 30 day workout video from you!

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