July 1

Losing weight is part of being HEALTHY


It's called a "healthy weight" for a reason. Just because it's not the only thing doesn't mean it's nothing.


how to lose weight over 50, life coach, life coach for women over 50, menopause, Pahla B, Pahla Bowers, perimenopause, weight loss coach, weight loss life coach, weight loss over 50, women over 50

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  • THIS.

    I was watching a talk show about “toxic diet culture” that featured a panel of women who embrace the “body positvity” movement in order to learn to love their bodies, fat, rolls, and all. While I agree that no one should be fat-shamed, we also know from a medical standpoint that obesity is a contributer to all sorts of health issues.

    For me, my cholesterol is OK, but it has been on the rise for several years as I have put on weight. My glucose & A1C levels have now put me in the pre-diabetic range. My doctor is encouraged that I’ve out 20 lbs since January, when I discovered Pahla B & the 5-0 method. But she cautioned that if my A1C continues to rise, that will also increase my risk of heart disease & heart attack (right now, my risk is low).

    I don’t hate how I look in the mirror. I don’t feel fat-shamed. I don’t feel “toxic” thoughts with regard to my weight, nor do I feel that the 5-0 method creates a “toxic” culture.

    I need to LOSE WEIGHT for my HEALTH. And that’s what I’m doing. Thanks Pahla B! ❤🐝

  • You shouldn’t need to apologise for your message. We are all striving to be healthy. Very grateful for all your videos.

  • I feel healthier (and have lost weight) because of you Pahla. Forever grateful for a all of the mindset work. Thank you.

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