August 7

Do This Every Time You Squat | Women Over 40 Workouts


Do This Every Time You Squat | Women Over 40 Workouts Every time you squat (or lunge or do a wall sit) you want to be sure you're strengthening your hamstrings. Women make the mistake of doing squats (quad and glute exercise) and then often wall sits or get on a leg extension machine, and skip doing quality hamstring work. Your knees will pay.
The ratio of strength in hamstrings and quadriceps is important for the integrity of the knee.
And if you want the shape back in. your bum you want to both hit hamstrings and glutes. Our hip flexors are generally overly tight or shortened from sitting and in combination with weak hamstrings you're likely to experience a muscle strain at some point.
Easily avoided with these.
Aim for at least 1 hamstring exercise for every quadricep exercise.
Not all of these will work for everyone. Use the ones that do work for you and rotate them!


at home exercises for hamstrings, avoid injury over 40, building muscle for women, Debra Atkinson, exercise tips for women, Flipping 50, glute workout, hamstrings and quadriceps, improve the shape of your bum, lower body workout tips, protect your knee joint, squat workout tips, strength training for women over 40, strengthen the hamstrings, weight training for women over 40, women over 40, women over 40 workouts, workout tips for women

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  • Yes! I have the laziest glutes ever. My trainer has been trying to wake them for the last 5 months with numerous exercises but I never feel them or have any soreness at all. She stated that I must be hamstring dominant. Is that true?😢

    • I haven’t said that in 39 years. But.. I do recommend going way backwards to some super small isolation exercises to wake them up.. pre larger moves like squats and thrusts. And I mean really tedious stuff but after a focused 30 day wake up call I’ve seen it help.

    • I found that certain glute exercises didn’t work for me, like bridges for example, until I released my hip flexors muscles (psoas and rectis femoris in particular) through self-myofascial release (foam roller and lacrosse ball). Then I could get proper range and really start targeting the glutes properly. Lying on my tummy and just trying to lift one leg off by feeling the glute first was also something I had to master.

  • If you do squats, and I hope you do! (fantastic lower body metabolism boost not to mention the secret to getting out of your chair when you’re 90) .. you need to balance the muscles you’re using in squats by doing these exercises demonstrated here! Hope this is helpful. For help learning more about lunges – try this

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